Anna Quartier

Karlsfeld, located on the northwestern edge of the city, is one of Munich’s most popular residential suburbs. Along Münchner Straße, the multifaceted Anna Quartier is being created, of which we are successively developing various sections: Anna Life and the Anna Tower comprise modern office, retail, commercial and restaurant spaces as well as subsidized residential units and privately financed micro apartments. The Anna Lab offers our clever mix of uses OSP “Office, Storage, Production” on the one hand, and catering, commercial and office space on the other.

Anna Quartier Karlsfeld Hochhaus Visualisierung
tons of CO2 saved per year, e.g. through
groundwater wells, heat pumps and photovoltaics
CO2-savings through
sustainable technologies on the site
0 %

Climate positive

through the additional purchase of green electricity

382 tons of CO2 correspond to:

times around the world by car
~ 0
Economy flights from Munich to Berlin

The energy supply of the quarter is to consist to a large extent of environmental heat sources. For this purpose, we plan to use groundwater in an environmentally friendly way. The groundwater in the quarter will be pumped to the energy center via production wells. Heat pumps use the water’s energy before it is returned to the ground via injection wells. The well water can be used for environmentally friendly heating and passive cooling of the buildings. Photovoltaic systems on the roofs generate green electricity for the heat pumps and round off the climate-friendly energy concept.

Project data


Nibelungenstraße/Münchner Straße 160
85757 Karlsfeld


25.345 m²

Gross floor area

approx. 39.014 m² (Residential and comercial)


In planning

Project pictures

Status 31.07.2024

ecobuildings at a glance